Saturday, April 4, 2009

MMMM, Woolly Goodness!

Here are my thrift store/yard sale wool treasures. I spent part of the morning ripping these skirts and pants along seamlines and preparing the wool to be felted. I cut off buttons, take out hems, remove zippers, etc. before putting them in the wash.
I will wash like colors together to prevent bleeding of colors. I prefer to felt in the washer using regular detergent, hot wash and cold rinse cycles. Then I dry them on high in my dryer.
I will probably overdye the herringbones and tweeds with some of my more colorful Wilton dyes. The textures come out great that way. I prefer to do that overdyeing after the felting process. I know others who do it differently.
Who knows what these treasures will become! I am a little worried that I will have slim pickings in the thrift stores now since it is spring here, so I am stocking up while I can.

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