Hope everyone is having a great Thanksgiving weekend! My aunt and uncle hosted the feast, and all the ladies in attendance contributed to the menu. My macaroni and cheese went over well! Thanks to everyone who made it a nice day. I ended up going to bed around 7:00 that night in a turkey stupor and woke up bright and early on Friday morning amazed that I had slept 12 hours.
I have gotten some holiday shopping done along with some holiday sewing. I love the internet and the opportunity it provides for comparison shopping. ***Here is a note of caution--do not buy items from the Apple Education web site thinking that you are going to get the advertised discount for educators, unless you are buying a computer. Even though the Education site sells all of Apple's products, there are very few items that are discounted for teachers. IMHO this smacks of false advertising. Buy from MacMall instead. (I'm just saying!)
****An update: After waiting on hold for a very long time I spoke to customer service about the higher price on the supposedly discounted teacher site and got my order price adjusted!****
Late last night, I tried to sew some bags with zippers. They are just small zipper totes, the kind you might put some make up into. I did not use a pattern, but did use a tutorial. I am not going to link to it since I did not do it correctly! The first bag actually ended up with a zipper facing in the correct direction and the seams to the inside of the bag. The second did not! I do not want to waste the zipper, so I am going to rip it out of the second bag and try again.
While shopping at 2 large fabric stores today I looked for a bag of assorted inexpensive zippers so I can play around some more with making zippered pouches. No luck at the store, but on Etsy I found this seller who is clearing out her stash of zippers at very reasonable prices. Check her out.
I hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend. Soak it all up, Monday will be here too soon!
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